Ultimate Forklift
Saftey Training & Certification
(909) 697-9240
Mission Statement
At Ultimate Forklift Safety Training & Certification, we wish to provide the best, most detailed and updated safety information availiable. We will provide you, the student, with the guarantee of satisfaction, and to share the challenges through teamwork, creativity and enthusiasm. UFST&C always strives for operational excellence and to help create the safest work environments. Thank you for choosing Ultimate Forklift Safety Training & Certification to provide you with great service.
Forklift Safety
Training Course
Class & Certification $75.00 per student
Per Attachments / special equipment $15.00
Additional Classification of truck $35.00
Driving evaluation $15.00 per classification
Classroom Sizes & Discount Rates
1-5 Students $75.00
6-10 Students $65.00
11-20 Students $60.00
We Come To YOU!!
Just Provide us with a room or space
Available in English & Spanish
Courses Outline
Participants Guide
Safety instructions forklift operations.
Video Cassette
Demonstrates the correct procedures to operate lifts , helps to answer questions regarding lifts , and shows safety procedures.
Instructor's Guide
Step by step instructions on safety guides lines , the uses of checklist and how to conduct inspections , conduct a test on video shown and driving evaluation .
Course Materials
Certificate of completion , wallet size authorization card , daily operator checklist , driving evaluation , and course completion test.
Pre requisite
Must be an experience forklift operator
At least 18 years old
Valid California Drivers License